The course does not follow the traditional lecture method. Dr. Prasad Bhide, the resource person for the course, is active in reviving Classical Sanskrit Plays in contemporary form. He will enact and present some scenes of the plays and simultaneously do the play’s critical appreciation.
Dr. Gauri Moghe, the Executive Editor of the “Cultural Index of Mahabharata” at Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, will provide insight into the original Shakuntala Upakhyana in the Mahabharata and its distinctness from Kalidasa’s magnum opus.
The course aims to analyze these plays from the point of view of performance. Besides the literary features of the play, various elements involved in the play’s staging will also be discussed and demonstrated.
1 Subject
8 Learning Materials
18 Courses • 15015 Students
Established in 1917, The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute is a premier research institution in Indology and Asian Studies.
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